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Chime In Podcast

Jan 16, 2019

Episode 9 


KRYPTOS - Can you crack the code? / True Crime Documentaries and Podcasts

Join Graham, Michaela and Sarah as they explore the mysteries of the Kryptos sculpture located at the CIA Headquarters.  Can you answer trivia about the CIA?  Can you crack the entire code? Join the ranks of NSA and CIA analysts if you can Chime In!

Speaking of the CIA and NSA, have you read Digital Fortress by Dan Brown? What about 1984 by George Orwell?  What personal liberties are you willing to give up for safety?

Listeners chime in- we follow up on Denver International, the evil latitude, and the lottery curse!

Michaela updates us on Making A Murderer Part 2. What do you think? Was Steven Avery framed? 

Anytime you discuss Steven Avery and Brandon Dassey, the subject of wrongful convictions will come up - we recommend the podcast Actual Innocence for more information about innocent people and the time they’ve spent behind bars before being exonerated! 

The Disappearance of Crystal Rogers - this case is from Sarah’s hometown of Bardstown. If you haven’t, check out the documentaries about the case and help ask for justice!